Iezerul Mare Peat Bog

Nature monument, Iezerul Mare Peat Bog is one of the best conserved oligothrophic wetlands of Maramures County and it is located on the Plateau of Ignis Mountains at an altitude of 1014 m. The vegetation of the natural reservation consists of: Bog Blueberry –Vaccinium uliginosum ssp, Small Cranberry – Vaccinium oxycoccos, Roundleaf Sundew – Drosera rotundifolia, Black Crowberry – Empetrum nigrun, Bussock Cottongrass – Eriophorum vaginatum, Bog Rosemary – Andromeda polifolia, Alpine Grass – Carex brizoides, Purple Moor grass – Molinia coerulea, Lingonberry – Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Ragwort – Ligularia sibirica.

Access possibilities: along Greenway from Deseşti village, red triangle markings