Nature monument, Rooster’s Crest represents one of the most spectacular andesitic formations, part of a volcanic crater that erupted 9 million years ago. The rocky part, Rooster’s Crest, which gives the name of the reserve, has a sharp crenellated shape, 200 meters length, situated at an altitude of 1200 m. The rocky area is embraced by juniper and blueberry bushes as well as beech forests with a high protection role. The reserve and the buffer zone (NATURA 2000 designated site) represent a excellent habitat for lynx and bird raptors species of European importance: golden eagle (Aquila crysaetos) and the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina). Other nesting species, very important from a biodiversity point of view, are present as well in the area: corncrake (Crex crex), The Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio), or owl (Buho buho).
Access possibility: along greenway trail: from Mara to Hopșia Valley- blue cross markings; from Breb – red cross markings.